Nestled in the heart of Torino, a city renowned as the birthplace of Italian chocolate, our story is deeply rooted in tradition and craftsmanship. For centuries, Torino has been celebrated for its innovation in chocolate-making, from the invention of Giandujotti to its rich café culture that introduced chocolate as an everyday indulgence. Inspired by this legacy, we set out to honor the artistry and passion that define our city’s sweet heritage.
Our commitment extends beyond tradition—we craft our chocolates to be kosher, embracing the values and customs of Torino's vibrant Jewish community. By combining the excellence of Italian chocolate-making with the precision and care of kosher standards, we offer a unique experience that respects both taste and tradition. At Odelia, we celebrate the rich history of Torino while creating chocolates that unite cultures and bring joy to every bite.
+39 333 864 3315
Corso Moncalieri, 47, Torino, Italy